Sunday, August 22, 2010


hi just finished watched Angel-A ohh wow i love this movie. so beautiful. its black and white and so heart warming.

Monday, August 16, 2010

i helped a little.

ohh wow i googled my self just now to see what other people will see. and i found something i didnt know. lol I tried crowdsourcng like in the winter of 2009 and i am part of a product lol. i helped .02% lol. i cant even remember what idea i had. lol. pretty funny.

Friday, August 13, 2010

ohh my... what a bad idea.

hehehe drunkin blogging is a bad idea! :D its to late now to delete it the post.... ^_^

wine, sad music, and nostalgia.......

my heart is heavy. and each day i write something here. maybe because no one see this place. and i am really only writing so one day i can come back and show someone where i was at a moment in time. kinda like a picture of me but not in a visual way but a written way. well reader my heart is heavy. .... heavy. its that moment where every option directs you into a new path and every path is a chain reaction to that idea that causes chain reactions to all other thought. and in a moment it causes like an explosion of chances. lol in a messed up way thats my ideas behind quantum physics.

... well some of them.

and then there is sad ness. once a long time ago i wrote a story about a girl named ocean. she stole my heart as if she was real. Maybe she is why i am alone. she understands me deep down in side she knows the life i have had to live to be the person i am now. she is.... just that she is. her .

aaa wine, sad music, and nostalgia.......

Thursday, August 12, 2010

imperfection is beautiful.

is it to much to ask to meet a great girl with miss match eyes. :D

yellow eyes.

I have been thinking about a dream i had a couple of years ago. I saw my self face to face. the dream me knew i was there and knew i was transparent. he looked up at me right in my face and i looked right into his face. I was so calm as if i in my dream as i looked up as if the dream was a memory and a dream at the same time to me. weird one weird thing is in the dream i have yellow eyes with red around the edge. it was weird.

One weird thing is i think its going to happen. I wonder how i get eyes like that?

villa thought

Here is a school project i had to crush. i was so behind. but we had to keep the outside of an rundown villa and redo the interior. its a 60 foot cube. I am just happy i finished it in time. i was behind big time because of my buddy daves wedding and moving my old stuff from ct. I was happy about being back in ct but wow i had to do 8 weeks of work in 11 days. makes me sad to think its over weird. is it possible to give you self stockholm syndrome? lol

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

crappola on the brain

i have so much work to be done by 3 am tonight its crazy. but randomly stupid ass shit keeps coming into my mind. dam it. i need a flush lever on my brain. kinda irritated.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

my beautiful siren

girl she dances with a smile on her face. and kind eyes the song can be on blast and this whole world can be in a moment of explotion but when i look into her eyes its all in slow motion. she sways her head back and forth calm and sweet. she looks at me with the eyes of innocence. she does not know it but her soft gentile movements as we dance are violent. under it all she is wielding a sledgehammer and battering the outer wall of my soul i have place up for protection. with rhythmic smiles and soft graceful power she rips apart my cage. each soft movement similar to that of a young tree in the wind. the crack of her smile, the way her hair moves the fact that she locks eyes with me as we dance. my defenses to this world are crumbling and she seems to have the key. in her movements i hear the siren song willing me to come close. the funny thing is i see the rocks and i willingly approach. i cant help it shes my beautiful siren, her smile so sweet it's sinister.

its ok im not heart broken and we are still friends. its just when i listen to this song i can see her dancing with me. brings me back.