Friday, April 29, 2011

I miss China

I miss China so much! Back when I went for my visit. My life was very different. What I miss is the comradery which I feel we lack greatly in USA. Maybe "comradery" does not quite fit right, but some how it feels right. I miss that connection you feel just being there. We just do not have it in the USA or maybe because I have been traveling and have not settled going on a whole year. Two years since I left my closest friends back in Connecticut. Traveling these last couple of years has been great. I have had the opportunity to meet allot of great new people. But this last year I can't say I have made a new friend or hung out with a friend. Lately I have been thinking allot of Beijing and the great time I had. I miss the friends I made which I kinda guess I have lost with the passing of time. But thats how life work and rings especially true to the traveler. But somehow the soup I call life I can see the taste beginning to be recognizable. I will go back and experience it all again different then before but good in a new way.

This whole thing about relationships is starting take its tole. And I hate the fact that I'm starting to be understanding. With the end of a human connection I no longer get angry or upset I deal with it rationally. What does that mean? I know the answer but don't want to say it aloud.