Friday, March 19, 2010

the sun and I are not friends and never will be

today, today was just one of them days that was planed out to the T.... Capital T. it was planned to be smooth as velvet, with a bouquet of smiles and good times with the back drop of a sunny day. but to say the least, the day was not like that at all. the sunny day was there but it was not the smile in the sky you drew as a child on the right or left hand corner of your picture. it was a searing hot sun of the desert that beats you down. the sun that does not give life but takes it with reckless abandon. being a vampire I should stop the cycle of madness where think I belong in the sun. I should know that the sun and iI are not friends and never will be.

the day.....

i ended up running out of gas. so as i type the car i was driving is out parked in down town SF. there is a big part of why today was shitty but im just gonna leave it out. i am try my best to just forget about that part. lets just say i looked pretty weird and creepy because i was trying to be nice. ehhh its my fault for being me. but its just the way im made.

no worries here i sit drinking large cups of coffee sitting back in the shade of a dark room. i have placed a crown no one can see on my head and the blank stare contempt in my eyes. i am Caesar.... for now.

but soon, the sun will set, the gas in the car will be filled and my pride will heal. i will trade the crown of gold for one of thorns and place kindness back in my eyes. I will take my place at the end of the table and not the head of the table and wait to be moved.

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